Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I posted this today as a status, and I'm going to post it here.

I've always been the kind of person that get's down because "nobody needs me." This has always depressed me, but guess what? NEWSFLASH!!! No one EVER needs us. NO ONE. But Someone WANTS me. He pursues my heart, even when I turn away from him, especially when I turn away from Him. Jesus Christ, died a sinner's death, on a wooden cross, to show ME love! He died to show YOU love too! He's still alive today and He wants you so badly. All you have to do is run to Him and confess that you are broken without Him and need Him. But know this, He doesn't need you. But He WANTS you.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

darkness dies
as light emerges in the skies
tear stained eyes
look upon forever's lies
dreamers hide
live in their mind
walk across the other side
of never ending enemy lines
